What To Expect

  What To Expect  

We Invite You

•  to get to know us, young and old, singles and families.
•  to follow our Good Shepherd with us and look for His glorious return.


Good Shepherd is Accessible

•  on the south side of 63rd Street just west of Fairview Avenue.
•  via a ramp for attendees who require wheelchair access.


Good Shepherd is Friendly

•  guests are encouraged to attend services, and our pastor is available to answer questions.
•  since our first service in 1975, Good Shepherd has grown to a congregation of over 400 adults and children. 


Good Shepherd Worship Services are

•  Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
•  Wednesday evenings during Advent and Lent at 7:00 p.m.



Holy Baptism is

•  for people of all ages, upon request.



Holy Communion is

• for our members and for guests united in faith with us, on the first and third weekend of each month.
• for those unable to attend services, upon request.

Next, meet Our Pastor.